Visión y Prospectiva S. C. is a legally constituted company within the Mexican jurisdiction dedicated to conducting Market and Opinion Studies throughout the national territory.
The personal data that you provide us will be part of a market study and will be used by Visión y Prospectiva S. C., with address in Puente de San Francisco No. 6 BIS C. P. 04320, Col. Barrio Cuadrante de San Fco., Coyoacán 04320, Ciudad de México, to know your opinion about the products, goods, services, people, brands, commercial names or any other question about the object of said study. Visión y Prospectiva S. C., undertakes to handle the personal data you provide in STRICT CONFIDENTIALITY, without personalizing names or participating companies and in full compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals and the Code of Ethics of the AMAI, which means that the information provided to third parties will not allow you to identify your person or any member of your family at any time. Visión y Prospectiva S. C., to fulfill the necessary purposes described above or others legally required or by the competent authorities, will only transfer the necessary data in the legally foreseen cases. Your participation in any study conducted by Visión y Prospectiva S. C., will not imply subsequent contacts unless you give your authorization to be invited to study in the future and your contact information will not be used for activities such as mailing lists, catalogs for sales, commercial directories, etc. Also, if you do not object, Visión y Prospectiva S. C. will treat your personal data necessary for secondary purposes such as taking your testimony and recording it, in order to better evaluate your answers. At any time, you or your legal representative may exercise any of the rights ARCO (Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition) by communicating via email to: sarana@visionyprospectiva.com.mx
Any change or modification to this privacy notice will be communicated by email and / or on our
website: www.visionyprospectiva.com